CV № 408404 din 16 martie 2024

CV: Frontend Developer

Bărbat, 30 ani, superioare studii.
30000 MDL
CV № 408404 din 16 martie 2024
Informația de contact a candidaților
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2 ani și 9 luni
mai 2022 - până in prezent
1 an și 11 luni
Fullstack Javascript Developer
Lok IT, Tiraspol
Domeniu: IT, Internet

I have participated like a head developer in the development of the following projects:
1. A corporate system for organization the work of a photo studio.
a) As part of this project, I developed the following client applications:
- SPA web application using the Typescript and Vue 3 framework;
- Two desktop applications for processing and uploading photos, using ElectronJS,
Typescript and Vue 3;
- UXP Photoshop Plugin using Typescript and Vue 3;
b) And backend application:
- Microservice for parsing files on remote servers, extraction their metadata, moving,
editing and deleting files. Used NestJS and Typescript in development;
Also, I worked with Google Cloud and Cloudflare. I connected the server to a new domain,
increased the disk size, and configured
NGINX to transfer static data.

2. Air ticket booking service:
- Client web application, using: Next.js and Typescript;
- Refactored a React Native mobile application. Rewrote from Javascript in Typescript and I implemented Redux Toolkit.

3. Anti-theft tracker bicycles, cars and motorbike (
- Site support (Yii Framework);
- Mobile application support (Cordova, Vue 2);
- Worked with Amazon Web Services. Increasing disk size, working with instances, setting up application deployment.

august 2023 - decembrie 2023
3 luni
Fullstack Javascript Developer
Dijo, Tiraspol
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Was involved in the development of a project to provide psychological assistance as a full stack developer:
1) REST API using NestJS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL and Typescript;
2) Client application using Next.js and Typescript, Material UI and Next Auth;
3) Mobile application using React Native.
4) Setting up CI/CD projects using Github Actions and Docker, as well as setting up NGINX.

iunie 2021 - mai 2022
10 luni
Frontend Developer
Flysoft, Tiraspol
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Development of a UI interface for a logging system;
- Implemented a landing page and took part in the development of a client application for a system for designing and documenting business processes (;
- Participated in the development of client applications for the online language learning school project (;
- Development of a UI interface for a load balancer.

I used the following technologies: Typescript, Vue 2, Vue 3, WebSockets, HTML, CSS, SCSS,

Studii superioare
până in 2015
Московский Институт Предпринимательства и Права (МИПП)
Facultatea: Юриспруденции.
Specialitatea: Юрист.
Rusa — Materna
Romana — Nu cunosc
Ucraineana — Comunicare
Engleza — Elementar

- Javascript;
- Typescript;
- CSS;
- React;
- Vue;
- Nuxt;
- React Native;
- NextJS;
- ElectronJS;
- NodeJS;
- NestJS;
- Docker;
- PostgreSQL;
- TypeORM;
- Nginx;

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere BCDE
automobil personal
sunt gata să accept schimbarea locului de trai

I am a JavaScript (TypeScript) developer with experience in commercial development of web applications as well as applications for other platforms (IOS, Android, Windows, MacOS). I specialize in developing client applications on the React, React Native, Vue frameworks and server applications on NodeJS (NestJS).

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este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.