CV № 207784 din 4 iunie 2020

CV: Coordonator Proiect, HR

Femeie, 34 ani, superioare studii, nu are copii, necasatorita.
11000 MDL
CV № 207784 din 4 iunie 2020
Informația de contact a candidaților
este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.
6 ani și 2 luni
ianuarie 2019 - februarie 2020
1 an și 1 luna
Head of Moldova Operations
Global Information Consulting Group, Residence and Citizenship solutions, Chișinău
Domeniu: Activitatea administrativa, secretariat

• Guided all the clients through the Moldova Citizenship by Investment Program (MCBI)
• Investigated and established all the steps of Moldova legalization process of the civil certificates issued by foreign countries which are not members of Hague convention
• Was in charge to set up the office, signed the contracts with all the necessary suppliers in order to meet the clients expectations
• Managed the entire submission process of the MCBI applications forms and supporting documents, etc.

noiembrie 2017 - iulie 2018
7 luni
Customer service manager
Next Trade SRL, Chișinău
Domeniu: Vinzari

• Organized and monitored the entire sales process, an end to end operations.
• Closely followed-up all the orders approaching the delivery dates searched for solutions in case of delays.
• Generated Credit Notes, registered in Admin all the payments received from the Customers.
• Solved issues with the Accounting Department concerning refunds to the Customers (such cases as an overpayment, payment in advance, bad quality of the product, etc.
• Followed-up all the Customer’s debts and reminded them about deadlines.

martie 2016 - iunie 2017
1 an și 3 luni
Customer expert
Katoen Natie, Chișinău
Domeniu: Transport, logistica si comert exterior

• Backup of team leader tasks
• Provided support to our customers
• Handled import and export flow
• Processed files in both systems, the company’s system and our client’s system (SAP)
• Provided training and support for the new employees
• Knowing all aspects of the process flow inside-out
• Handled customer complaints, investigated the root cause and implemented preventive actions, etc.

aprilie 2015 - martie 2016
10 luni
Data processing operator
Katoen Natie, Chișinău
Domeniu: Transport, logistica si comert exterior

• Fluent in day-to-day activities
• Accurate entered of data in the company’s database
• Identified possible inefficiencies in the flow and setup
• Familiarized with all the company’s programs, internal organization, setup, etc.
• Learned all the standard operational processes that took place: warehouse and silo activities
• Accomplished daily tasks by the team leader, etc.

noiembrie 2012 - aprilie 2015
2 ani și 5 luni
Ministerul Justitiei, Chișinău
Domeniu: Serviciul public

Asigurarea mentinerii Registrului de stat al actelor juridice al RM in stare de control prin dezvoltarea, actualizarea si pastrarea integritatii.
Prestarea asistentei juridica informationala organelor centrale de specialitate, ale administratii publice si instantelor judecatoresti, acordarea asistentei metodologice si de instruire in vederea exploatarii sistemului unic de stat de prelucrarea informatiei juridice.

Studii superioare
până in 2013
Universitatea de Stat din Republica Moldova
Facultatea: Facultatea Drept.
Specialitatea: Drept.
Instruire continua, cursuri de formare
Coaching si feedback pentru performanta in Ascendis, or. Chișinău.
Managementul Proiectului in Ascendis, or. Chișinău.
Cursuri ale Academiei Politice in Fundatia Konrad Adenaeur, or. Chișinău.
Romana — Materna
Rusa — Comunicare
Engleza — Fluent
Spaniola — Medium

- utilizator increzut PC, Microsoft Office, SAP, Microsoft Navision
- cunoasterea legislatiei RM
- eficient in conditii de stres
- spirit de echipa
- abilitati excelente de comunicare

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere B
automobil personal

Sociabila, pasionata de calatorii, lectura, arta, dans.

Informația de contact a candidaților
este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.