CV № 404931 din 9 ianuarie 2024

CV: IT Support

Bărbat, 31 ani, superioare studii.
Sal. negociabil
Munca la domiciliu / Freelance
CV № 404931 din 9 ianuarie 2024
Informația de contact a candidaților
este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.
8 ani și 7 luni
septembrie 2015 - până in prezent
8 ani și 7 luni
IT Support Specialist | Level 2 | OSS
Confidential, Confidential
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Active Directory Create/edit user accounts
Manage group policies
Manage the file server (rights, backups)
Hardware: ordering, building, diagnosing, repairing
Software: OS and software installation, configuration, proxy, backups, shared folders, remote service,
Local network end support: manage switches, VLANs, connections from floor boxes to the devices, networking racks cabling
Manage associated devices: printers, VoIP phones, scanners, UPSes, TVs, headsets, webcams, etc.
Manage user requests using the ticketing system

Studii superioare
până in 2016
Universitatea Vasile Alecsandri din Bacau
Facultatea: Calculatoare si Tehnologia Informatiei.
Specialitatea: Inginer.
Romana — Materna
Rusa — Elementar
Engleza — Fluent

-To ensure the correct functioning and maintenance of all internal and external customer IT
equipment and services.
-Answering the calls, approximately 70 calls per week. Create the incidents and resolve them.
-Maintenance of work stations: solving various soft/hard problems (component
-Installation/configuration of software packages, installation/configuration peripherals and
resolving possible technical incidents.
-Ensure that all activities are completed and documented in accordance with the required
standards, methods and procedures.
-Carry out local repairs of faulty equipment and services to the highest standards and
coordinate the resolution with the appropriate resolver group.
-Manage the replacement of faulty equipment through the use of spares, and ensuring the
timely replenishment the spare according to prescribed availability and sparing policy.
-Manage local suppliers in the provision of services for the SITA Field Operations center and
report on services provided to management.

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere AB
automobil personal
Informația de contact a candidaților
este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.