CV № 383940 din 25 iulie 2023

CV: Java Software Engineer

Bărbat, 24 ani, superioare studii.
60000 MDL
CV № 383940 din 25 iulie 2023
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3 ani și 1 luna
aprilie 2021 - până in prezent
3 ani și 1 luna
Java Software Engineer
Endava SRL, Chișinău
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Marketing and market-places analysis
Danylo has 4 months of experience as a Java-tester at Meta-Sistem S.R.L. During work, such skills as communication and collaboration with a team were achieved, emergency detection and reporting of critical problems, identification of issues source patterns. Got a bit of experience with Selenium WebDriver and XPath during the implementation of java application.

Payment gateway
Still working as a developer in a financial domain at ENDAVA S.R.L. Implemented and maintained a large amount of Spring/Spring Boot applications (microservices architecture). Obtained experience with Jenkins. Developed a Spring Console application to simulate third-party service. Also integrated and maintained a real one within the system, created corresponding documentation for provided functionality using Intellij markup language.

Studii superioare
până in 2022
Facultatea: FCIM.
Specialitatea: IT.
Rusa — Materna
Romana — Elementar
Ucraineana — Fluent
Engleza — Comunicare

Languages &Technologies:
Java SE, XML (XPath), Selenium WebDriver, JUnit, PowerMock, Spring Core, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Boot, GIT

Transact-SQL, SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Cassandra

Enterprise Architect, Maven, Intellij IDEA, JMX, MobaXterm, Tomcat, KeyStore Explorer, DBeaver, Postman, Bitbucket

Techniques & Methods:
Agile Methodologies (SCRUM), Behaviour Driven Development, Continuous Integration, Design Patterns

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automobil personal
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