CV № 362808 din 12 aprilie 2024

CV: Python developer

Bărbat, 34 ani, superioare studii.
Sal. negociabil
CV № 362808 din 12 aprilie 2024
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5 ani și 11 luni
septembrie 2023 - până in prezent
7 luni
Python developer
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Python Developing a CRM for managing work relationships. Development of Web-scrappers and crawlers. Development of microservices for publishing systems in social networks (work with API). Migration of working projects from PHP to Python.

noiembrie 2021 - martie 2023
1 an și 3 luni
Python developer
Amdaris, Chișinău
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Python development and maintenance of RESTful Api microservices for working with documents. Development of service integration with 3rd party services as well. Application of AWS cloud services - S3, RDS, SQS, etc.

ianuarie 2017 - martie 2021
4 ani și 1 luna
Admin / Developer
FREELANCE, Peste hotare
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Working with servers. Configure and working with Drupal CMS / composer / drush. Working with CloudFlare. Creation of automation scripts for BAS. Working with search engine optimization. Working with facebook ads. Scrapping data with requests, selenium, headless browsers, beautifulSoup

Studii superioare
până in 2012
Odessa National Polytechnic University
Facultatea: Automobile.
Specialitatea: Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician.
Rusa — Materna
Romana — Nu cunosc
Ucraineana — Fluent
Engleza — Medium

Flask / FastApi / SQLAlchemy / BeautifulSoup / Requests / Selenium / PIL / PyTest / MyPy

AWS / Linux / HTML / CSS / JS / React / VUE /SQL / PostgreSQL / PHP

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere B
sunt gata să accept schimbarea locului de trai

I make web apps with Python, using tools like Django, FastAPI and Flask to make sure they're solid and work well. I'm good with databases and can make it easy to manage data. I can also gather data from the web quickly and believe in keeping my code neat and easy to handle. Plus, I make sure my code is error-free and well-organized.

I also know web stuff like HTML and JavaScript, and I'm ready to work together on cool projects.

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