CV № 257399 din 23 octombrie 2023

CV: Manual Tester

Femeie, 25 ani, superioare studii.
18000 MDL
CV № 257399 din 23 octombrie 2023
Informația de contact a candidaților
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3 ani și 8 luni
octombrie 2020 - până in prezent
3 ani și 8 luni
Digital Archive Ofițer
OTP Bank SA, Chișinău
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Operated document scanning equipment to digitize and convert paper documents into electronic formats.
Promptly reported any bugs or issues encountered in the electronic archive system to the IT team, including documenting the bug’s specifics, its impact and the steps to reproduce it.

Studii superioare
până in 2023
Moldova State University
Facultatea: Economic Science.
Specialitatea: Business.
Rusa — Materna
Romana — Medium
Engleza — Medium

Dedicated and detail-oriented Digital Archive Officer with a strong foundation in archive management within the banking sector. Seeking a transition into the role of Junior Manual Tester to leverage analytical skills, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality assurance in the dynamic field of IT. Proficient in document scanning, data categorization, and compliance, with a solid understanding of regulatory standards. Looking to apply my keen eye for accuracy and my ability to collaborate effectively with IT teams to ensure the flawless functionality of software applications through comprehensive manual testing. Eager to embrace new challenges and contribute to a team's success in delivering high-quality software solutions

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere B


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