CV № 234046 din 19 iunie 2019

CV: Junior .NET Developer

Bărbat, 29 ani, superioare studii.
Sal. negociabil
CV № 234046 din 19 iunie 2019
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Studii superioare
Sunt student
Facultatea: Facultatea Informatică, Inginerie, Design.
Specialitatea: Informatica aplicată.
până in 2018
Academia Ștefan cel Mare a MAI
Facultatea: Drept (Master).
Specialitatea: Drept penal.
până in 2017
Academia Ștefan cel Mare a MAI
Facultatea: Drept (licență).
Specialitatea: Urmărire penală.
Romana — Materna
Rusa — Comunicare
Engleza — Elementar

I have studied at the basic level the following web technologies:
- HTML5;
- JS (ES5 / ES6)
- UI libraries or frameworks, such as Bootstrap, React, and Vue.js.
- Node.js.

The most preferred programming language for me is C# (affiliated with .NET technology) for its laconic and quote syntax.

I am passionate about ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core, for the ability to create powerful web applications. I'm also familiar with the MVC (model, view, and controller) pattern that applies to designing these web applications.

I've been able to study WPF technology that offers the ability to create Desktop applications with an attractive interface, using animations, vector graphics, 3D objects, and more. Personally, I use the MVVM pattern to develop these applications.

EF / EF Core technology, which I studied, makes it easy to communicate with databases using Linq expressions, since each entity (together with their fields) and the links between them can be represented in the form of classes and their properties.

Java language I am studying now in university studies, it does not differ radically from C#, because both of these two languages ​​have a common descendant (C++).

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