CV № 227748 din 24 august 2020

CV: Python developer

Bărbat, 32 ani, superioare studii.
40000 MDL
CV № 227748 din 24 august 2020
Informația de contact a candidaților
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7 ani și 5 luni
septembrie 2019 - până in prezent
4 ani și 8 luni
Software Engineer
Deutsche Telekom, Darmstadt Area, Germany
Domeniu: IT, Internet

Hallo Magenta is a Smart Speaker developed by Deutsche Telekom.
The project integrates new technologies on voice processing, artificial intelligence techniques and state of the art IoT hardware.
My responsibilities are:
• Software research, development and testing.
• Researching and implementing of new software architecture for all components inside IoT device.
• Controlling all the hardware and software components in order to implement flagship features for the customers

februarie 2019 - până in prezent
5 ani și 3 luni
Software Developer
SmartSoftDev, Chișinău
Domeniu: IT, Internet

• Designed and developed microservices and backends using Python
• Optimized database requests
• Handle UI and server-side programming
• Designed and implemented single sign on authentication mechanism with less db requests.

decembrie 2016 - februarie 2019
2 ani și 2 luni
Advanced distributed learning programmer and project manager
Ministerul Apararii, Chișinău
Domeniu: IT, Internet

• Designed and maintained databases using Python
• Created, tested and implemented application built using Python (Django)
• Handle UI and server-side programming
• Designed frontend using Bootstrap4 and Django templates language
• Setting up Nginx and Apache2 servers based on GNU/Linux

Studii superioare
până in 2014
Academia Militara a Fortelor Armate
Facultatea: Stiinte militare.
Specialitatea: Transmisiuni.
Instruire continua, cursuri de formare
NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course in NATO School Oberammergau, Germany., or. .
Piscine C in Academy+Moldova, or. Chișinău.
Romana — Materna
Rusa — Fluent
Engleza — Comunicare

Operating Systems: MS Windows, Mac OS, GNU/Linux
Languages: C, Python, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Bootstrap4
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Access
Other: Django, Git, Bash, JSON, HTTP

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere B
automobil personal

Seeking a Python Programmer position in a reputable company that allow me to reach my full potential, programming skills and knowledge.

Informația de contact a candidaților
este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.