CV № 219269 din 23 iulie 2018

CV: Financial Analyst / Consulting / Audit

Bărbat, 31 ani, superioare studii.
Sal. negociabil
CV № 219269 din 23 iulie 2018
Informația de contact a candidaților
este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.
9 ani și 9 luni
august 2017 - până in prezent
6 ani și 9 luni
Deputy of Chief Accountant
Consum COOP, Ceadîr-Lunga
Domeniu: Contabilitate, finanțe, audit

I'm a novice in this subject, but I accept importance of it in a way of understanding how to make organize your business properly. For me this job has strategic interest for my future. After three months of employment I was promoted to Deputy Chief Accountant. I've often substituted director of the enterprise and have trained 4 interns, who successfully are still working in the company. During this job I several times conduct audits and was had inventory commission. I believe that this job could give me better understanding of financial market and will enlarge my analytical skills in economics.

septembrie 2015 - iunie 2017
1 an și 9 luni
Event organizer and translator (Russian / Turkish / English)
Embassy of Moldova, Ankara
Domeniu: Organizații non-profit, voluntariat

Actually I wasn't employee of the embassy, but it provided some part-time job in case of some events.Moldovan government has lots of trading agreements with its Turkish counterparts, so I decided to take part in annual forums as a volunteer to get an experience and feel that pressure of stressful work conditions with politicians and businessmen from both sides. This job gave me opportunity to develop my Turkish language and experience of solving problems is short period of time.

iunie 2014 - septembrie 2015
1 an și 3 luni
Assistant of the regional guide
Consul Travel Service, Antalya
Domeniu: Turism, ospitalitate

Actually, I started this work as an transferman staying in that position for two weeks, before I was qualified to the hotel guide and three weeks later I was promoted to assistant of the regional guide. My task was to optimize costs and time of transferring tourist from airport to hotel, and selling excursions. This work was very important to me personally, because thanks to it I've developed in myself the qualities that were useful in later life. I had great experience working within team, understanding psychology of the people and management.

Studii superioare
până in 2017
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi
Facultatea: political science.
Specialitatea: Economics.
Rusa — Materna
Romana — Elementar
Engleza — Fluent
Turca — Fluent

Analytical skills
Business English

Informații suplimentare
disponibil pentru detașări de serviciu
permis de conducere B
sunt gata să accept schimbarea locului de trai

Was awarded by bronze medal on international informatics project competition, "Infomatrix 2011" and silver medal on "Infomatix 2012".
There are plenty of institutions which forms behavior of society on macro (behavior of society) and micro (body language) levels, and each institution has it own characteristics. Understanding of basic institutions could help you to predict in which direction will move behavior of society and as a result, achieving desirable outcome. I'm obsessed with psychology on both micro and macro levels.

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este accesibila doar pentru utilizatorii inregistrați.