Marketing specialist

Developingit International
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: În locația angajatorului
Job Description
As a Marketing Medior you have a creative role where you will be involved in all facets of marketing and communications. From b2b marketing through Salesforce and Hubspot to internal marketing and from social media to international projects. No workday is the same! That's why you choose this position with confidence and fresh courage.
As an international player within employment solutions, we help our clients with employment of record. Through our services, we ensure that entrepreneurs, directors and managers can focus on their core business. We take care of all administration and risks. We can even act as an IND sponsor, so that any Dutch company can hire expats from outside the EU. Our service orientation, unique platform and multilanguage service desk, make us a key player within our segment.
We highly value professionalism, creativity and conscientiousness. Do you think you would fit in with our company? Then read on quickly to find out what work you will be doing with us.

What does your day-to-day work comprise?
As a Marketing and Communications Associate, you are important to our team. You are indispensable because you are responsible for:
• Contributing to the b2b marketing and communication strategy of our brands and concepts. Targeting different segments.
• Ensuring clear and appealing websites and maintaining and improving online findability.
• Managing the marketing and communications calendar.
• Developing content for our websites and campaigns. Mainly online.
• Correctly positioning and activating our brands content and deploying it appropriately within a range of social media channels.
• Supporting other departments in the field of (internal) communication. For example, you help the HR department with employer branding and recruitment campaigns.
• Interacting with your team in Moldova and the Netherlands for the local rollout of international projects.
As you read, you will be given many different tasks and be responsible for several important issues. This is a job that challenges you and in which you can develop yourself professionally. Keep in mind that we are committed to getting the best out of ourselves, our colleagues and the company! Do you recognize yourself in this way of working? Then don't hesitate and apply immediately.
Now you must be wondering who we are?

Payingit is a HR service bureau. We offer payroll, agency work, staff planning, payroll administration and backoffce services for agencies. For international relations we also offer Payroll Umbrella Services for expats, Immigration Services and Salary Administration aimed at the special rules and exemptions of expats. Our creed is personal service, honest communication, top-end automation and to offer entrepreneurs more flexibility and administrative unburdening, to a very fair price.

So, how can you start working for us?

We believe in smart people, but smart comes in many ways. A diploma is great but certainly not everything. Intrinsic motivation, passion and capacity for, and interest in, (personal)development are key. Are you ready to join our team? Send us your resume and blow us away with a dashing motivational letter, voice message or video, to let us know you are the best choice. Who knows, we may soon be able to welcome you to our team!
Persoana de contact:
Michel van Duiven
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