Marketing assistant in the technical department

New International Performing Arts Institute
Oraș: Peste hotare
Studii: Universitate
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: De la 250 Până la 500 EUR
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: De la distanță
Work Conditions:

Remote work, friendly team, possibility of a permanent position. Our field of activity is performing arts.


Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00 (Berlin time)

Sat: 9:00-12:00 (Berlin time)

Sun: day off All official holidays according to the German calendar are days off.


Responsibilities include: searching for students for courses and seminars, participating in the promotion of international projects, working with email marketing, involvement in managing and developing social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

Daily Responsibilities:

Finding emails and manually sending promotional messages.
Daily manual sending of emails from a database provided by the marketing team.
Posting advertisements in Facebook groups.
Sending advertisements through Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct.
Include the word «art» in your cover letter for this job, and we’ll know you’ve read it:)
Searching for new Facebook groups.
Searching for venues for events and courses, and advertising on these sites.
Reporting at the end of the workday/week/month.
Language Skills: English and Russian.

Possible business trips from 7 days to 2 weeks to Germany, Austria, or another European country. Travel and accommodation are paid. This condition is not mandatory but will be an advantage in candidate selection. 

Thank you for reading to the end, and we look forward to your resumes! See you at the interview:)
Persoana de contact:
Viktor Kaplan
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