Content manager, french-speaking editor

Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Universitate
Experiența de munca: De la 1 an
Salariu: De la 400 Până la 700 EUR
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: De la distanță
Icecat NV is a global publisher and syndicator of product information for online and offline channels. We produce millions of product data-sheets in all world languages that are distributed through various sales and marketing channels worldwide. You can learn more by visiting our website

Our editorial team has 15-years experience working with content of different complexity. We are continuously growing and developing our skills according to the market needs.

We are looking for a French-speaking Content Manager to add and modify the information about various products in our and our customers' databases.

- Following tasks with precision according to the given guidelines
- Tracking tasks, following protocol for each, and following up with the client
- Understanding French descriptions of products to provide the utmost content quality
- Exporting information from our tools (training will be provided)
- Working with csv, xls files, data standardization.
**Communicate in writing with French customers**

**Skills / Experience Requirements:**
- Completed HBO/University level education.
- Very good MS Office skills.
- Confident PC user
- Good English command
- **French (B2)**
- Ability to make out different equipment and its description
- You should be a responsible, accurate, punctual, and diligent person
- Preferably you have relevant experience in content management

**Please, contact us if you feel challenged!**
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