Buying agents french market

Outadvent GMBH
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Незак. высшее
Experiența de munca: Se accepta fara experienta
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Выберите график работы
Main requirements:
- Excellent knowledge of FRENCH (verbal/written)
- Computer literacy
- Strong communication and negotiation skills
- Ability to work independently and perform complex activities and analysis
- Service oriented and stress resistant
- Responsibility, dedication, punctuality
Main responsibilities:
- Develop customer database and permanent renewal
- Initiate contact with potential customers and develop a strong client relationship
- Offer customers the full range of products and convert them into constant buyers
- Provide excellent customer service

- Competitive revenue
- Paid meals
- Full social package and official employment
- Training and professional development opportunities
- Potential for growth in an international company

If you are interested, please send your CV at
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