Production Manager Assistant

OEM BIke Productions
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă:
An OEM bike production company is looking for a Production Manager Assistant.
The successful candidate will be:
- open minded, with flexible solution-oriented technical thinking;
- with a good ability of managing the production team in the absence of the production manager;
- able to work under the pressure of tight deadlines;
- able to find quick solutions and to take fast decisions;
- available to work overtime when it's necessary;
- a good team player with good communicational skills;
and will have:
- technical background - Politechnic Institute (Electro-mechanics/mechanics/engineering/production, process or plastics technology);
- very good PC skills;
- B driving license
Startup salary is 300 euro.
Please send your CVs to the email:
Only ShortListed Candidate will be contacted.
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