
Consultancy Company
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Grafic de munca redus
We are looking for an intern in our Consultancy Company operating in areas in Business, Human Resources Management and IT Consultancy.
The ideal candidate should be:

• highly motivated to have a good career in business life
• preferably in the last year of his/her education (those having 2 more years may also apply)
• ready and willingly to start to work full-time after his/her graduation
• fluent in both Romanian and Russian Languages
• must have at least intermediate level of English

The candidate will be responsible from supporting the whole team when necessary. S/he will be considered as an important part of us, and upon successful performance will have increased responsibility and similar task with other members of our team.

We are not looking for interns to arrange shelves or deal with xerox; we are looking for future potential team members! To start your journey with us, please send your English version CV to
In your message text indicate the source from where you learnt about us (if you learnt from a jobs site, please, indicate that site).
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