Java developer (middle)

CROZ Moldova
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Superioare
Experiența de munca: De la 2 pina la 5 ani
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Full-time
CROZ Moldova is currently looking for dynamic Java engineers to fill key positions in the developing local team. If you are interested in working on a team of professionals focused purely on business applications (banking and telco sectors) with a clear orientation and strong commitment to quality, please dont hesitate to contact us.

General requirements are as follows:

Proficient in Java, with a good knowledge of its ecosystems
Excellent understanding of object-oriented programming
Good knowledge of various design and architectural patterns
Skill for writing reusable Java libraries
Knowledge of concurrency patterns in Java
Good knowledge of concepts of MVC, JDBC, and RESTful
Experience with popular web application frameworks, such as Play and Spark
Familiarity with Java GUI frameworks (such as Swing, SWT, and AWT depending on project requirements)
Writing clean, readable Java code
Experience with both external and embedded databases
Good knowledge of design principles behind a scalable application
Creating database schemas that represent and support business processes
Good knowledge of JVM, its limitations, weaknesses, and workarounds
Implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests
Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git
Good knowledge of build tools such as Ant, Maven, and Gradle
Good knowledge of continuous integration
More than 3 years of experience


Very competitive salary
Professional environment
Growth potential
Corporate and team events
Modern office & equipment
Snacks and coffee
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