Резюме № 411700 от 8 апреля 2024


Мужчина, 35 лет, высшее образование.
70000 MDL
Полный рабочий день
Резюме № 411700 от 8 апреля 2024
Контактная информация соискателя доступна
только зарегистрированным пользователям.
Опыт работы
11 лет и 3 месяца
июнь 2022 - по настоящее время
2 года
Senior PHP developer
Adev Group, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Finceptiv - The project gives the possibility to users of getting a loan from one of the partners which work with Finceptiv.
On this project, I mainly participated as a PHP (Symfony) developer, and from time to time added new functionality to the frontend part, built on React with TypeScript. My main responsibilities - the integration of third-party REST and SOAP APIs. Each integration is covered with Unit tests. I improved several back-office pages by optimizing requests to the MySql database. Implemented new business requirements related to the main project workflow.

Stazzle - Service connects hospitals, clinics, and businesses with medical personnel providers.
As a participant in the backend team, I was responsible for developing REST API following the SOLID principles. For REST API documentation we used OpenAPI (Swagger). Our team used ECS (Easy Coding Standards), PHP_CodeSniffer, and PHPUnit to increase code quality. We increased code coverage with functional and unit tests to 80%+

май 2019 - май 2022
3 года
Senior PHP developer
Introduct, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Cryptowallet - At the beginning of the project, I was responsible for KYC, back-office, two-factor authentication. Later I was moved to the main functionality -creating wallets for different crypto currencies. Make transactions on external and internal cryptocurrency addresses(wallets). Exchange one cryptocurrency on another cryptocurrency through a different exchange broker. Fee calculation for exchange and withdrawal of cryptocurrency.

март 2017 - май 2019
2 года и 2 месяца
PHP developer
Adyax, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Drupal 7/8 backend developer
Projects: Guerlain / EuRail / JCDEcaux / Renmans

январь 2013 - март 2017
4 года и 1 месяц
PHP developer
IPgroup, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Projects: Stylista / SamfundsLitteratur / COPENHAGEN • MALMÖ / Peytz DK / DING2 / easySuite / EasyDDB / BPI / easyScreen

Высшее образование
по 2012
Факультет: Information Technology.
Специальность: Licentiate Engineer in Information Technology.
Ключевые навыки
Русский — Родной
Румынский — Базовый
Английский — Разговорный

PHP, SQL, OOP, MVC, Symfony, Laravel, Drupal, MySQL, MongoDB, GIT, Selenium, phpunit, blackfire.io, xhprof, xdebug, Javascript, jQuery, ExtJS, React, Cypress, OpenAPI (Swagger), Linux, Windows, Mac OS

Дополнительная информация
готов к командировкам
права категории B
есть личный автомобиль
Контактная информация соискателя доступна
только зарегистрированным пользователям.