Резюме № 409204 от 29 февраля 2024

CV: QA Automation Engineer

Мужчина, 27 лет, высшее образование.
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Полный рабочий день
Резюме № 409204 от 29 февраля 2024
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Опыт работы
4 года и 5 месяцев
октябрь 2020 - по настоящее время
3 года и 8 месяцев
QA Automation Engineer
Endava, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Developed and maintained automation test scripts using Java, Selenium WebDriver, and the Cucumber framework, leading to a reduction in manual testing efforts. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify test scenarios using BDD methodology. Executed and analyzed automated test results, reported defects via JIRA, resulting in enhanced software quality. Conducted API testing with tools like Postman and RestAssured for seamless integration. Performed thorough database testing with SQL queries to ensure data integrity. Created and executed smoke tests for basic functionality verification, reducing production issues. Developed and ran regression test suites to validate system stability after code changes or updates.

июль 2019 - апрель 2020
9 месяцев
Automation Engineer
Inther Software Development, Venray, Netherlands
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Performed comprehensive testing procedures and devised failure scenarios for Warehouse Management Systems (WHS), involving Siemens PLC programming for remote
I/O, scales, barcode scanners, and conveyor motor drivers. Provided remote commissioning and support, maintained the box tracking and inventory system, and
delivered second-level support for warehouse automation systems. Resolved mechanical and electronic failures, managed order processing, and established standards for on-site automation systems. Evaluated hardware and software, ensuring configuration compliance with standards. Monitored data integrity performance, executed tasks related to warehouse conveyors, and contributed to the Skechers project for automated equipment design and performance improvement.

Высшее образование
по 2020
Technical University of Moldova
Факультет: Automation and Development Engineering.
Специальность: Automation and Development Engineering.
Ключевые навыки
Гагаузский — Родной
Румынский — Разговорный
Русский — Свободно владею
Английский — Разговорный
Турецкий — Разговорный

- Programming Languages: Java
- Test Automation Tools: Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, BDD, Jira, Git, Postman, SQL, IntelliJ IDEA
- API Testing, Database Testing, Smoke Testing, Regression Testing
- Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
- Attention to detail and ability to work in a fast-paced environment
- Excellent communication and teamwork abilities

Дополнительная информация
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