Резюме № 375384 от 5 сентября 2023

CV: FrontEnd React developer

Мужчина, 25 лет, высшее образование.
35000 MDL
Полный рабочий день
Резюме № 375384 от 5 сентября 2023
Контактная информация соискателя доступна
только зарегистрированным пользователям.
Опыт работы
3 года
январь 2021 - апрель 2023
2 года и 3 месяца
FrontEnd React developer
Mifort Solutions, Тбилиси
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

During time in the company, I worked as an external developer on 4 projects from different domains, such as: Fintech, Insurance and Startups. I worked in different teams, both in terms of the number of people and nationality, and showed my best qualities in any atmosphere.
The main tasks on the projects were:
- Code review and refinement
- Code optimization
- Bug fixing
- Creating new functions
- Communication with designers and back-end developers
- Application Architecture Planning
The main stack of technologies used: React, Redux, MobX, TS, Jest, Sypress, NextJS, Bootstrap and other supporting technologies.

февраль 2020 - декабрь 2020
9 месяцев
FrontEnd React developer
Self-employment / private practice / freelancing, Belarus
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

While studying at the university I worked in a team on 2 projects as a Junior FrontEnd Developer. I used this opportunity to improve my professional skills and gain experience working on projects.
My main responsibilities were:
- Bug fixes
- Development of new functionality
- Constant study of new technologies and their practical use
Technology stack: JavaScript, ReactJs, HTML5, CSS3, Scss, Webpack, Jest, NodeJS; Responsive and cross-browser layout, Adobe Photoshop, Figma; Git.

Высшее образование
по 2020
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Факультет: Faculty of Computer-Aided Design.
Специальность: Information systems and technologies in industrial safety.
Курсы и треннинги
FrontEnd development courses в ITransition, г. Belarus.
Ключевые навыки
Русский — Родной
Румынский — Не знаю
Английский — Свободно владею

· HTML5 · Scss · CSS · JS · ReactJS · TypeScript · NextJS · Redux · ReduxToolkit · MobX · MongoDB · Webpack · Git · Azure DevOps · Figma · Slack · Trello

Дополнительная информация
готов к командировкам
готов переехать в другой город

I am a Frontend developer with 4 years work experience and I'm looking for new job opportunities, I have experience in different domains(Fintech, Insurance, IT-products etc.) and different teams(combined teams with people from all over the world). During past 3 years I worked with customers from Europe and Canada so i can easily manage to go through the technical interview talking with native speakers. I have huge desire to learn new technologies, so that I'm focused on becoming FullStack developer.
I Have knowledge of the main development methodologies (Scrum, Kanban) and there practical usage. As a person I'm trying to create and save positive atmosphere with my colleagues. If I have something to do, I prefer to do everything on time, without delaying it to the future. My job is my hobby and I'm doing my best on each step of the project.

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