Web Designer

Город: Кишинев
Образование: Любое
Опыт работы: От 2 лет
Зарплата: От 13000 До 17000 MDL
График: Гибкий график
We are looking for Web Designer who will be in charge of the design of our internal web related products as well as for the corporate web page improvements and redesign.

creating website / application designs that are user-friendly, effective and appealing using digital retouching and image editing when needed;
conceptualising creative ideas, and providing effective solutions on their implementation;
stay plugged into emerging technologies/software development trends and apply them into operations and activities.


2+ years professional web design experience with at least 5 personal or collaborated works in the portfolio;
proficient with graphic design/editing software (Figma, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator);
intermediate level of English, sufficient for working with documentation and application interfaces.

Will be an asset

UI/UX development and applications/interfaces design experience;
familiarity with responsive design concepts.

What we offer

competitive salary;
clear and flexible career prospects;
flexible working hours and remote work opportunities;
proactive team with welcoming atmosphere;
cozy office with regular fruits delivery.
Interested candidates please apply at
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