Резюме № 177166 от 28 января 2020

CV: iOS Developer, IT Engineer

Мужчина, 34 года, высшее образование.
17000 MDL
Полный рабочий день
Резюме № 177166 от 28 января 2020
Контактная информация соискателя доступна
только зарегистрированным пользователям.
Опыт работы
10 лет и 8 месяцев
январь 2019 - по настоящее время
5 лет и 4 месяца
iOS Lead Developer
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

iOS Lead Developer
Providing estimations on new projects, innovative solutions for accomplishing different tasks
Building and maintaining iOS applications on Swift
“ReadStori” - a language learning educational app helping people enrich their vocabulary through reading short stories. To build this app, I used frameworks: Realm for database, Alamofire for requesting RESTful API, iOS Speech for recognition of spoken words and translation of text into oral speech
“Quizl” - Quizl is the next generation of full multimedia live quiz shows where you can play, socialise and win tech and cash prize. In this project I used iOS Speech framework for recognition of answer, Firebase for notification and connecting users in live quiz. CALayer for something custom UI elements.

апрель 2017 - апрель 2018
1 год
iOS Lead Developer
"Evrica Labs" SRL, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Development of applications on iOS
“Evrica” Is a CRM system for midlle business, for example e-shops, who want to have quickly and easily an information system for his business, like a subscription. That system includes CRM, Project management, Task Management, Chat, VoIP Telephony (website, server, hosting, liveChat) and offer to clients all of its as an SaaS system. I was responsible for the whole design, development and documentation process of iOS app.
I used CoreData for local storage database, SoketIO framework for working with web sockets (Chat, Task management), Liblinephone library for SIP calls, also used VIPER pattern for app architecture with Swinject framework for dependency injection. For requesting API I used own framework based on result pattern for error handling.

апрель 2016 - апрель 2017
1 год
iOS Developer
„JWORLD” SRL, Кишинев
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Development of applications on iOS
Swift using such frameworks as CoreData, AVFoundation, CoreLocation, SoketIO .etc;
Development of new applications in the field of fitness, sports and health, as well as support for old projects by correcting errors and adding new functions;
Done a couple of projects for streaming audio, video and internet radio using AVFoundation and MediaPlayer frameworks;
Made some apps that use social networks APIs and Push Notifications.
“Pregnancy” - interesting project it’s destined for pregnant women. It includes many interesting and useful information about baby, mom and pregnancy, they can make some notes, store physical condition and feelings. Reminder about visiting a doctor. Used CoreData for storing data, Charts - for drawing charts about many statistics data for ex.: weights, physical states, feelings and child's activity. CoreAnimation for animated 3D Galery (every week of gestation period have useful information and images)

октябрь 2015 - апрель 2016
6 месяцев
System administrator
"Călărași Divin" SRL, Калараш
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Management and maintenance of computer network and servers

август 2012 - июль 2015
2 года и 10 месяцев
iOS Developer
Отрасль: IT, Интернет

Create and develop iOS apps like Voice changer, Ringtone maker, Photo collage maker, Atlass, from scratch using newest Objective-C APIs, such frameworks as AVFoundation, MapKit, collaborate with the design team and product management to implement and deliver new applications features.

Высшее образование
по 2012
UTM - Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei
Факультет: FCIM - Facultatea de Calculatoare Informatica si Microelectronica.
Специальность: TI - Tehnologii Infomationale.
Ключевые навыки
Румынский — Родной
Русский — Свободно владею
Английский — Средний

Networks and systems - iOS, MacOS, Windows
Languages - Swift 5, Objective-C, SQL, XML
Technologies - iOS SDK, Core Data, Core Animation, MapKit
Web technologies - REST, JSON, Socket, Google Postman, Firebase, Geolocation
DBMS - SQLite, MySQL, Realm
Analysis methods and tools - OOP, Enterprise Architect, UML
Environment of Development - XCode, GIT, CocoaPods
Concepts - S.O.L.I.D., OOP, Patterns, VIPER, MVVM, TDD
Miscellaneous - SourceTree, Sketch, Fastlane
Used Frameworks - Alamofire, SoketIO, Realm, (VoIP) Liblinephone, Firebase

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