School Counsellor | Psychologist

Heritage International School is looking for a:

School Counsellor | Psychologist


  • Determines school readiness for inclusion practices
  • Ascertains english-speaking learners’ emotional, cognitive and psychologic condition before admission in cases with reported learning needs
  • Develops and executes with the help of other didactic staff the individual educational plans or IEPs for english-speaking learners with special needs
  • Works in collaboration with families for the fulfillment of the IEP of their child or children
  • Develops and carries out all-school initiatives in the area of developing the learners’ emotional intelligence, conflict resolution abilities, handling anti-bullying, peer pressure and teenage-related challenges, social and work skills
  • Works for identifying and handling cases of child abuse, including reporting to relevant government agencies
  • Supports all school staff through counseling and advice
  • Monitors and supports the whole-school culture in line with the vision of the school to establish an atmosphere of respect and long-life learning
  • Handles data keeping in line with child & data protection policies
  • Organizes and/or participates to the deployment of the specific actions aimed at whole school improvement in the area of special educational needs and school culture

Kindly send a letter of interest or inquiry to

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